Thursday, June 23, 2011

The Labrador Retriever

The Labrador retriever: (or otherwise known as Labs) are one of the most popular breeds in the world. The reason why the Labrador retriever breed is so popular is because Labradors have been used for hundreds of years as catching and retrieving (which is where their name comes from)

The dogs of the Labrador breed are very kind, playful, obedient to their master, and most importantly are very safe around babies as well. For many years the Labrador breed has been used as an assistance dog for the blind, or anyone one that just needs a dog by their side, whatever the case may be, the Labrador breed of dogs is the perfect choice of dog for anyone.

The Labrador Appearance:
Size and Weight: Labrador adults can grow pretty large, the average weight for studs is around 65-90 pounds and the average weight for bitches is around 55–71 pounds. If a Labrador is 100 pounds or over, that means that it’s obese and the owner should cut down on how he or she feeds the lab. Labradors are known for their appetite and they absolutely love to eat.
Body: A Labrador retriever’s body should be muscular and a level top line.
Coat: Labradors have a very unique coat of fur. The Labrador is known for its short and thick hair, usually the colors of Labradors is all one solid color and doesn’t have spots of different colors. Colors: Fox Red, Black, White, Cream White, Yellow, and Chocolate Brown.
Head Size and Shape: The size and shape should be blocky and thick, with a pronounced stop and a slight pronounced brow.

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