Thursday, June 23, 2011

Foods to keep away from dogs

Here at Susana Labradors and others that live with animals know that you should not give your dogs chocolate, but there are also other foods that dogs should not have. Many of us assume that vegetables, fruits and other edibles are not bad for our dogs but they can be very dangerous, and even deadly, to our dogs. Raisins and grapes can cause kidney failure in dogs so it is important to keep them away from those fruits. Labrador breeders will sometimes give their dogs left over dinner and not think of the consequences of it. For instance onions and garlic are in many delicious foods that cause serious health problems in dogs. The onions and garlic contain N-propyl disulfide, which destroys red blood cells, leading to hemolytic anemia. Vegetables are known to be a health food for humans and they are also healthy for dogs too, but it is important to make sure they do not ingest huge amounts at once. Thanksgiving has its own caveats but, don’t let your dog lick the turkey-roasting pan, "that’s the surefire way to give a dog a pancreatitis attack. You can pour a tablespoon of drippings over your dog’s food, but do not let him lick the pan clean our trained Labradors no better, but a young Labrador puppy would not know right from wrong, it needs you for guidance. On the bright side when you can’t resist giving your dog ice cream, go ahead and give them a little it’s not going to hurt. Early puppy training right from wrong with your super vision and guidance is the way to go. Of course avoid any ice cream flavor that contains chocolate, chocolate chips, or raisins. Some super markets sell ice cream that is made for dogs called frosty paws. If you’re looking for an AKC Labrador retriever we have a few available with some training and a few young pups ready to come home at 8 weeks of age this Christmas.

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