Thursday, June 23, 2011

How to build a relationship with your Labrador

Many of us wonder how we can build a better relationship with our Labrador. Building a relationship with your dog takes time and patience. You have to build a sense of trust, develop communication, spend quality time, massage you Labrador, and teach your dog commands. Having a good relationship with your dog starts with respect. Training your dog to have good behavior and teaching your Labrador commands is a positive way to gain respect. Spending quality time with your dog helps to build your relationship. Our Labrador Stud’s and Labrador females are big role models on their Labrador puppies, and that’s why here at Susana’s Labradors we have strong relationships with our adult dogs and all of our other Labradors. Developing communication is the key to a better relationship with your dog you can establish a different tone and hand gestures for positive and negative reinforcement to help your labrador differentiate whether his or her actions were good or bad. Spending quality time with your dog can help you get to know one another, for example you can take your Labrador on a walk, going to the park or throwing a ball. Set up a routine with your dog that you’re Labrador can look forward to and know what comes next. Giving your dog lots of attention always helps in building a strong relationship, massaging your Labrador can help your dog to feel comfortable with you and strengthen your bond. This also gives him the one-on-one time dogs thrive on. It is important for your dog to have trust in you because you are responsible for your Labrador and they look up to you. He or she needs to know that you are there to take care of him and keep him safe. Feed him, give him fresh water and give him a warm place to sleep to instill trust.

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